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jeudi 25 juillet 2013

fitness ball workout

Fitness ball workout : You saw him in the gym, but you've never known what to do with them. At first, you may have thought looked "girly," but then you've probably seen some of the more muscular your gym with these guys. We are talking about fitness ball workout, large inflatable spheres that can be used to perform an almost infinite number of exercises for each body part. If I wanted to try a fitness ball workout, but did not know what to do, here are the top 10 fitness ball workout exercises to begin.

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Number 10 : fitness ball workout

trunk extension
* What it does: return

How to: Get on your knees and place your upper body over the ball, arms slightly jammed in the back of the ball or with hands behind head. Breast Lift fitness ball workout until your spine is straight or slightly extended. Return to the starting position.
Number 9 : fitness ball workout

Crisp base
* What it does: the abdominal and core muscles

How: Many of the best exercises with fitness ball workout involve the soul. To do this, get on your knees, bend at the waist and rest your elbows on the ball. Contract your abs, roll the ball forward until your thighs and upper body form a straight line. Return to the starting position.
Number 8 : fitness ball workout

Basic crunches
Whether Abs

How: With your feet flat on the floor, place your back on the ball and keep the upper body and thighs parallel to the ground. Do crunches as usual, using your abdominal muscles to lift your shoulders and upper back of the fitness ball workout.
Number 7 : fitness ball workout

Elevated push-ups
* What it does: Pecos, shoulders, triceps and abs

How: Place the front of the knee on the ball and hands on the floor (whole body should be parallel to the ground). Look down on the floor and lower your face a few inches from him, then push to the starting position.
Number 6 : fitness ball workout

Bent Knee Bridge
* What it does: The buttocks and hamstrings

How to: Lie on your back with your knees bent and your heels resting on top of the fitness ball. Extend your arms out to the sides. Get your ass on the floor while squeezing and push your hips toward the ceiling. Break at the top of the movement, then return to the starting position.

Number 5 : fitness ball workout

Abdominal Rolls
Whether Abs

How to: Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place the ball on the thighs near the knees and hands on top of the ball. Lift your shoulders off the floor, roll the ball into the top of the knees, pause, then return to the starting position.
Number 4 : fitness ball workout

Extending the opposite end
* What it does: the lower back, buttocks and hamstrings

How to: Lie with your stomach on the fitness ball and stabilize yourself with your toes and hands. While looking at the floor, extend your left leg and right arm at the same time for two seconds and return to starting position. Repeat with the other arm and the combination of the leg.
Number 3 : fitness ball workout

Balanced push-ups
* What it does: Pecos, shoulders, triceps and abs

How to: Place your hands on top of the ball and your body at an angle of 45 degrees to the ground, itself balanced on the toes. Bend your elbows and lower your upper body a few inches from the ball, then push yourself back to the starting position.
Number 2 : fitness ball workout

* What it does: low back, medium and high, and buttocks

How to: Lie with your stomach on the ball and your body at a 45 degree angle to the ground, balancing yourself with your fingertips. Stretch your arms in front of you on each side of the head as if I was flying, and hold the position.
Number 1 : fitness ball workout

Wall sitting Roll
* What it does: the quadriceps, hamstrings and gluteus

How to fitness ball workout: Stand with your back to the wall, feet shoulder width apart, and place the ball between the wall and the lower back. Squat, let the ball roll along the back until it is in a position of "sitting" with your knees at a 45 degree angle. Return to the starting position.
roll with it
Come on,fitness ball workout do not be afraid of the big bad fitness balls will not hurt. Give some of these exercises at once, in addition to your regular workout next time you're at the gym, and after a few weeks you will notice that you are more toned and lean because of them fitness ball workout.

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